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发布时间:2021-04-25 12:05    浏览次数:
1. 主持, 2015年国家自然科学基金青年基金:施氮量对石灰性潮土冬小麦吸收土壤锌的影响及其机制研究,2016/1-2018/12, 25万, 41501311
2. 主持,2016年河南省教育厅重点科研项目:施氮量对土壤锌植物有效性的影响及其机制研究,2017/1-2019/12,10万,17A210002
3. 主持,2020年河南省科技攻关项目:基于土壤氮素转化平衡的畜禽粪便替代化肥关键技术研究与示范,2021/1-2022/12,0万元,202102110214
4. 参与,2020年农业农村部农产品产地土壤例行监测项目:污染耕地分级管控与评估技术支撑,2020/5-2020/12,83.39万,13200329
5. 参与,2018年河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划基础研究专项:施硒抑制冬小麦镉吸收的机制研究,2019/1-2021/12,30万,19zx007
6. 参与,2017年河南省土壤污染控制与修复技术创新型科技团队
1. Jiaojiao Zhu, Peng Zhao, Zhaojun Nie *(通讯作者), Huazhong Shi, Chang Li, Yi Wang, Shiyu Qin, Xiaoming Qin and Hongen Liu*. Selenium supply alters the subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium and the expression of transporter genes involved in cadmium uptake and translocation in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20:550-561
2. Zhaojun Nie, Jiaojiao Zhu, Jinfeng Li, Hongen Liu*, et al. Phosphorus application alters concentrations and proportions of organic Se forms in the grain of winter wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2020, 183: 282–291.
3. Zhaojun Nie, Jinfeng Li, Haiyang Liu, Shiliang Liu, Daichang Wang, Peng Zhao, Hongen Liu*. Adsorption kinetic characteristics of molybdenum in yellow-brown soil in response to pH and phosphate. Open Chemistry, 2020, 18: 663-668.
4. Zhaojun Nie, Peng Zhao, Huazhong Shi, Yi Wang, Shiyu Qin, Hongen Liu*. Nitrogen supply enhances zinc uptake and root-to-shoot translocation via up-regulating the expression of TaZIP3 and TaZIP7 in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Plant and Soil, 2019,44:501-517
5. Hongen Liu, Peng Zhao, Shiyu Qin and Zhaojun Nie*(通讯作者). Chemical fractions and availability of zinc in winter wheat soil in response to nitrogen and zinc combinations. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:1489-1501
6. Hongen Liu, Zhiwei Shi, Jinfeng Li, Peng Zhao, Shiyu Qin and Zhaojun Nie*(通讯作者). The Impact of phosphorus supply on selenium uptake during hydroponics experiment of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) in China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 373-381
7. Zhaojun Nie, Jia Wang, Zed Rengel, Hongen Liu, Wei Gao, Peng Zhao∗. Effects of nitrogen combined with zinc application on glutamate, glutamine, aspartate and asparagine accumulation in two winter wheat cultivars. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 127:485-495
8. Zhaojun Nie, Peng Zhao, Jia Wang, Jinfeng Li, Hongen Liu*. Absorption kinetics and subcellular fractionation of zinc in winter wheat in response to nitrogen supply. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1435-1444
9. Nie Zhaojun, Hu Chengxiao, Tan Qiling, Sun Xuecheng. Gene expression related to molybdenum enzyme biosynthesis in response to molybdenum deficiency in winter wheat. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2016, ‏16: ‏979-990
10. Zhaojun Nie, Shuying Li, Chengxiao Hu, Xuecheng Sun, Qiling Tan, and Hongen Liu. Effects of Molybdenum and Phosphorus Fertilizers on Cold Resistance in Winter Wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2015, 38, 808-820.
11. Nie, Zhaojun, Hu, Chengxiao, Liu, Hongen, Tan, Qiling, Sun, Xuecheng. Differential expression of molybdenum transport and assimilation genes between two winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014, 82:27-33.
12. Z.J. Nie, C.X. Hu, X.C. Sun, Q.L. Tan and H.E. Liu. Effects of molybdenum on ascorbate-glutathione cycle metabolism in Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis). Plant and Soil, 2007, 295: 13-21
13. 聂兆君,秦世玉,刘红恩*,赵鹏*,吴香婷,高巍,李畅,张雯雯,睢福庆. 氮锌配施对冬小麦产量及土壤氮素转化相关酶活性的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2020, 26(3):431-441
14. 祝姣姣, 聂兆君*(通讯作者),赵鹏,李金峰,秦世玉,李畅,刘红恩*,李永革. 磷硒配施对郑麦9023硒吸收及土壤硒形态转化的影响. 麦类作物学报,2020,40(6):722-729
15. 张胜男,聂兆君*(通讯作者),赵鹏,李金峰,李永革,刘红恩*,秦晓明,秦世玉. 磷硫配施对冬小麦硒吸收及转运的影响.中国农业科技导报, 2020,22(5) : 137-144.
16. 聂兆君, 秦世玉, 王媛, 刘红恩*, 赵鹏*. 施氮量对石灰性潮土锌吸附和解吸特性的影响[J]. 河南农业大学学报, 2019, 53(1):135-141.
17. 聂兆君, 李金峰, 赵鹏, 刘世亮, 方先芝, 刘红恩*. 磷硒配施对冬小麦幼苗磷硒吸收和转运的影响[J].西南农业学报, 2019, 32(1):122-127.
18. 聂兆君, 赵鹏, 秦世玉, 王佳, 郭佳佳, 刘红恩*. 氮锌配施对冬小麦根土界面锌有效性及形态分级的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2018, 24(5): 1185-1193
19. 刘红恩, 李金峰, 赵鹏, 刘世亮, 王代长, 史志伟, 秦晓明, 高巍, 聂兆君*通讯作者). 施硒对冬小麦产量及硒吸收转运的影响. 麦类作物学报, 2017, 5: 694-699
20.聂兆君,胡承孝,刘红恩.钼对小白菜抗坏血酸氧化还原的影响.植物营养与肥料学报,2008, 14 (5): 976-981
21.聂兆君,胡承孝,刘红恩.钼对小白菜叶色、营养品质及硝酸盐含量的影响.中国蔬菜,2008,(8): 7-10

1. 2020年6月,河南小麦收入保险研发与推广应用,2016-2018年度河南省农牧渔业丰收奖合作奖
2.  2020年5月,Absorption kinetics and subcellular fractionation of zinc in winter wheat in response to nitrogen supply,河南省优秀科技论文二等奖,第1名
3.  第十四届“挑战杯”河南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖及优秀指导老师,第1名