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发布时间:2021-04-20 17:28    浏览次数:


4,参与,国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD1700900) 子课题:北方集约化农区氮素面源污染防控策略与优化体系构建。
1. Jianwei Liu, Hui Chen, Shuo Qiao, Yali Zhang*. Indoor/outdoor relationships of PM2.5-associated toxic metals/metalloids at a rural residence in North China: Sources and probabilistic health risks. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2023, 14(5), 101753. (三区,IF4.831)
2. Jianwei Liu*, Hongbin Cao, Yali Zhang, Hui Chen. Potential years of life lost due to PM2.5-bound toxic metal exposure: Spatial patterns across 60 cities in China. Science of the Total Environment, 812, 2022, 152593. (一区, IF10.753)
3. Jianwei Liu, Aichen Zhang, Yanjiao Chen, Xu Zhou, Anqi Zhou, Hongbin Cao*. Bioaccessibility, source impact and probabilistic health risk of the toxic metals in PM2.5 based on lung fluids test and Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 283, 124667. (一区, IF7.246)
4. Jianwei Liu, Jianbing Zhang*, Shuanglong Lu, Dong Zhang, Zhicheng Tong, Yan Yan, Baoqing Hu. Interannual variation, ecological risk and human health risk of heavy metals in oyster-cultured sediments in the Maowei Estuary, China, from 2011 to 2018. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, (154): 111039. (二区TOP, IF4.049)
5. Jianwei Liu, Yanjiao Chen, Hongbin Cao*, Aichen Zhang. Burden of typical diseases attributed to the sources of PM2.5-bound toxic metals in Beijing: An integrated approach to source apportionment and QALYs. Environment International, 2019, 131, 105041. (一区,IF7.577)
6. Jianwei Liu, Yanjiao Chen, Sihong Chao, Hongbin Cao*, Aichen Zhang. Levels and health risks of PM2.5-bound toxic metals from firework/firecracker burning during festival periods in response to management strategies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,171:406-413. (二区, IF4.872)
7. Jianwei Liu, Yanjiao Chen, Sihong Chao, Hongbin Cao*, Aichen Zhang, Yue Yang. Emission control priority of PM2.5-bound heavy metals in different seasons: A comprehensive analysis from health risk perspective. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 644: 20-30. (二区TOP, IF6.551)
8. Sihong Chao, Jianwei Liu (共一), Yanjiao Chen, Hongbin Cao*, Aichen Zhang. Implications of seasonal control of PM2.5-bound PAHs: An integrated approach for source apportionment, source region identification and health risk assessment. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 247: 685-695. (二区TOP, IF6.792)
9. Yanjiao Chen, Jianwei Liu, Hongbin Cao, Aichen Zhang, Anqi Zhou, Xu Zhou. Determining priority sources of PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by their contribution to disability adjusted life years. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 248,118202. (二区TOP, IF4.039)
10. Yanxue Jiang, Sihong Chao, Jianwei Liu, Yue Yang, Yanjiao Chen, Aichen Zhang, Hongbin Cao*. Source apportionment and health risk assessment of heavy metals in soil for a township in Jiangsu Province, China. Chemosphere, 2017, 168: 1658-1668. (二区TOP, IF5.778, ESI 高被引453次)
11. Aichen Zhang, Hongbin Cao*, Yang Jiang, Yanjiao Chen, Jianwei Liu, Xu Zhou, Anqi Zhou, Yue Gao, Jie Li*. Refining health risk assessment for determining arsenic and cadmium safety limits in an herbal medicine and its cultivation soils. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 331, 129837. (一区,IF11.072)
12. 刘建伟,晁思宏,陈艳姣,曹红斌*,杨月,张爱琛. 北京市不同年龄人群PM2.5载带重金属的健康风险. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(4): 1540-1549. (EI,中文核心)
13. 刘建伟,余小璐,张建兵,姚秋翠,胡宝清*. 广西北部湾典型入海河流上中下游城市河段沉积物碳氮磷富集特征.环境污染与防治, 2016, 38(7): 36-41.(中文核心)
14. 刘建伟,胡宝清,侯刘起. 1636—1949年广西北部湾地区旱涝灾害时空演变研究. 亚热带资源与环境学报, 2014, 9(2): 88-94. (科技核心)
15. 刘建伟,郭文玉,李青松,张亚丽.人文地理与城乡规划专业中环境内容的教学优化[J].教育教学论坛,2021,550(51):21-24.
16. 刘建伟,李青松.高等教育应如何提高大学生的综合素质[J].教育科学,2021-12-15,12: 254-255,258
17. 刘建伟,李青松.如何引导大学生学好专业知识[J].青春岁月,2021-11-15,32:87-88.
1. 2018年11月,《北部湾南流江流域社会生态系统过程与综合管理研究》,获广西社会科学优秀成果二等奖(著作类),排名8。
2. 2020年度北京师范大学优秀博士学位论文。